2010年10月15日 星期五


大家可能都聽說過綠色環保概念中的3個R:Reduce (減少--即減少使用不必要的物品),Reuse (再利用--即重複使用物品)和Recycle(回收--做好垃圾回收)。 可是你聽說過3C嗎? 戴爾包裝小組用三個C,即Cube(立方體), Content(內容)和Curb(街邊)來詮釋新的包裝設計理念,旨在為用戶提高效率、節省開支,同時幫助他們成為環境保護方面的領頭人。
 在今後的四年,戴爾將對全球產品進行包裝上的改進,預計將減少約10%的台式機和筆記本電腦包裝材料,增加緩沖和瓦楞紙版材料中的40%可持續成分,保證75%的包裝成分可以直接在街邊直接回收。 這項改進將節省810萬美元減少2000萬磅包裝材料,相當於保護了15萬棵樹 戴爾新的包裝設計引起了客戶以及媒體的廣泛興趣,例如最近在新聞周刊Bloomberg上的報導。
第一個C,Cube代表立方體,針對的是運輸包裝箱的尺寸。我們的團隊最近重新設計了Dell Inspiron 1318的包裝,減少了50%的包裝箱體積。 我們在此過程中學到的經驗和使用的戰略正被使用到今後的產品中。
 第二個C,Content代表內容,針對的是包裝材料。我們團隊特別正在尋找更加輕便、小巧、可回收的包裝材料。我們最近嘗試了Air Paq空氣包裝技術,把傳統的泡沫塑料的使用量減少到原來的150分之一。 今年夏天,我們在歐洲非洲和中東地區(EMEA)作了一個試點,用這種新技術運送了3萬多台系統。
 第三個C,Curb代表街邊,著重於使用可以在街邊直接回收的材料,為用戶提供最大便利,方便他們重複利用包裝。 例如,我們一些新產品採用塑料牛奶罐和可回收紙板做成的包裝材料,用戶直接能夠直接放在路邊回收。 預計在2009年將有3300萬個牛奶罐被回收利用到戴爾台式機和筆記本的包裝中去。
戴爾是主流筆記本生產商中唯一一家宣布全球筆記本和台式機包裝環保目標的公司。 和戴爾其他的綠色倡議一樣,我們的目的不僅要保護環境,也將幫助大家節約成本。
包裝一直是我們客戶關注的一個話題,你們在思想風暴上提出的意見促進了我們的改進。 謝謝你們給我們提出的意見,我們會繼續聆聽和執行。 讓我們共同努力,讓世界變得更美好。


design for sustainability design guidelines


This section of Matbase hands you some basic and easy to use guidelines to help you get started with design for sustainability. For background information on design for sustainability, EcoDesign, Design for the environment or Lifecycle design we would like to refer to the sites and manuals in ourLinks-section regarding this subject.

The design guidelines are grouped in 8 strategies as shown in the Lifecycle strategies wheel. The wheel represents the product lifecycle and illustrates the continuous process of sustainable design, taking you to a higher level every cycle.

The EcoDesign Strategies Wheel
Fig 1 – Lifecycle design strategies wheel (Brezet & Van Hemel, 1998)

Before getting started, keep in mind that sustainable design is no exact science. The numbers are indicative and it’s all about relative improvements. Some of the strategies may be incompatible. Therefore every project should start with taking the following steps:

1. Find out what goals you would like or need to achieve
What are your motives to take up sustainable design? Are they of economical, social or legislative nature. Assess what specific impact your motives have on your future designs and set your goals.
2. Determine what strategies are feasible and most effective
Determine the importance, the level of complexity and the probable level of improvement for all aspects of the product’s lifecycle. For instance, an average truck will make more than 1 million km’s. After that it will have a second and possible third life in a different part of the world. Especially during its third life the maintenance will be kept to a minimum just to keep the truck running. Therefore emissions and fuel consumption are the main issues to address. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) on an existing or competitive product can help you assess the focus of your efforts. You can plot the results of the LCA on the strategic wheel.
3. Select the strategies to realise your goals
Now you know what your focus should be, you can match them with one or more EcoDesign strategies. Use your findings to weigh these strategies and apply them accordingly.

A standard approach is to constantly evaluate your results. Only when comparing the new design with the initial situation, you will know if your efforts have had the result you were aiming for. You can plot the new design on the EcoDesign strategy wheel against the initial design. Consider which strategies were effective, which were not so effective and try to assess where more improvements can be made the next design cycle. Sustainable design is a continuous process.


0a) Dematerialisation: Does the user actually need a product? Can we offer a service instead?
0b) Shared use of product: Is the user willing to share the product with others?
0c) Integration of functions: Can we combine the functions of different products in to one product?
0d) Functional optimization of product (components): Is it possible to use standard modular components to create a (complete) product range?


1a) Non-hazardous materials: Do we really need to use substances that harm the environment?
1b) Non-exhaustible materials: Is it possible to use renewable materials?
1c) Low energy content materials: Can we use materials that need less energy to produce?
1d) Recycled materials: Do we need to use virgin material?
1e) Recyclable materials: Is it possible to use materials that can be recycled?


2a) Reduction in weight: Can we reduce the weight of the product by using less material or lighter materials?
2b) Reduction of (transportation) volume: Can we reduce the volume of the product to optimise transportation?
2c) Reduction of the number of materials: Is it possible to use less different materials? 


3a) Alternative production techniques: Are there production means available that are less harmful to the environment?
3b) Fewer production processes: Can we produce the same product by using fewer production steps?
3c) Low/clean energy consumption: Can we choose cleaner production methods?
3d) Low generation of waste: Is it possible to reduce or reuse the waste generated during production?
3e) Few/clean production consumables: Can we use fewer and less hazardous consumables during production? 


4a) Less/clean packaging: Can we reduce the use of packaging material or use less harmful materials?
4b) Efficient transport mode: Have we chosen the most efficient mode of transportation for the product?
4c) Efficient logistics: Can we improve our logistics?


5a) Low energy consumption: Can we minimise the product’s energy consumption?
5b) Clean energy source: Is it possible to use a cleaner energy source?
5c) Few consumables needed during use: Can we minimise the use of consumables?
5d) Clean consumables during use: Is it possible to use less harmful consumables?


6a) Reliability and durability: Can we improve the overall reliability of the product?
6b) Easy maintenance and repair: Is the product easy to maintain and repair?
6c) Modular product structure: Is it possible to use standard components to repair the product?
6d) Classic design: Can we improve the fashionable lifetime of the product?
6e) User taking care of the product: Can we design a product which the user will not likely part from?


7a) Reuse of product: Is it possible to give the product a second life?
7b) Remanufacturing/refurbishing: Can we fix and reuse (parts of) the product?
7c) Recycling of materials: Can we recycle the materials used in the product?
7d) Clean incineration: Will incineration of the product create low or no emissions and waste?