2010年10月28日 星期四



“我們意識到我們正處在一個獨特的地位,推動積極的改變這一地區的可持續包裝通過與我們的供應商和製造商做出更好的決策,是良好的業務,我們的客戶和環境,”觀察奇石。 “這就是為什麼我們致力於探索創新和環保包裝,不僅是良好的環境,而且對我們的業務以及。
“沃爾瑪的目標是成為一個零廢物,碳中性的公司。” 多年來,該公司已與喜歡環保協會,美國國家資源保護委員會,國際自然保護組織,洛磯山回收,布朗大學,有機交換和接口,以提高可持續發展的一個核心要素制定其經營戰略。
有,當然,里程碑的路上這個長遠目標。到2013年,例如,沃爾瑪的目標是達到 5%,減少整體包裝在其供應鏈。此外,它設定了一個目標,所有的運輸包裝將被重用或循環再造,到2011年,通過改善托盤和可重複使用的塑料容器(RPC)的。
“沃爾瑪目前的持續努力是建立在十多年的環境問題的興趣。” 此外,引進了包裝記分卡作為標準對供應商評估其表現對於包裝將是一個關鍵的工具,在建設綠色戰略。
記分卡是2006年9月推出,並正式啟動 2007年2月作為一種工具來幫助供應商評估其性能的包裝在九個具體參數。
供應商可以在兩條戰線上展開競爭 - 成本和可持續性 - 但記分卡是不是唯一目的是提高競爭力。它也作為加強合作的基礎,在供應商,它希望將加快沃爾瑪的進展其定義的目標,為可持續包裝的使用。
“我們的包裝記分卡,使我們的供應商來衡量其產品的可持續發展,收到一個檔次根據他們的結果,並了解如何改善他們的包裝,說:”奇石。 “企業可以分享最佳做法和取長補短,以實現其減少廢物的目標。”
“記分卡允許供應商來衡量他們的表現在成本和可持續性。” “結果從包裝記分卡的第一個月的運行表明積極採用計分卡和濃厚的興趣,從產品供應商,使他們的包裝更可持續,說:”奇石。
“在計分卡是提供給所有供應商在2007年2月1日,已有超過 2270的供應商登錄到該網站,至少117產品被輸入到系統中的第一個月。
供應商自己的評論認為,加強記分卡是一個適當的和流行的工具。 “我們已經使用了記分卡,以評估兩種類型的包裝,”解釋喬希漢內,從業務發展經理魯伊斯食品,供應沃爾瑪與 El墨西哥蒙特雷品牌的冷凍食品。 “記分卡是很容易使用,並給了我們一個數字的轉換成我們如何做,以及我們如何能做得更好。我們公司期待著以減少浪費,節省金錢。”
“現在我們看到了很多的支持,從我們的供應商走向更可持續的包裝,說:”奇石。 “今年3月,當我們看著第一對夫婦的月使用的包裝記分卡,反饋是令人鼓舞的。”
“沃爾瑪與供應商和政府機構將可持續發展的一個中心部分業務。” “'我們意識到我們正處在一個獨特的地位,推動積極的改變這一地區可持續發展的工作與我們的供應商,”各國奇石。 “這對我們很重要,我們的廠商和供應商整合到他們的業務持續性計劃及產品。我們希望這種改變沃爾瑪及其供應商已在我們的供應鏈將展現給別人,可持續性是良好的商業與環境“。
2006年2月,聯合利華推出'所有小型和強大一時的',這是三次作為集中,包含足夠的洗滌劑相同的32負載為 100安士瓶。聯合利華發現它保存五點零零零億加侖水,26萬加侖的柴油,150萬磅的塑料樹脂,750萬平方英尺的紙板和減少外的庫存量減少了50%。
2006年5月,沃爾瑪安裝輔助動力裝置(APU的) - 小型,高效的柴油發動機 - 在其整個拖拉機車隊。司機可關掉汽車引擎的輔助動力裝置,依靠溫暖或涼爽的座艙和通信系統運行的同時突破。
“有實實在在的利益,更多的是來自專注集中在包裝上的可持續性。” 該公司認為,在一年中這種變化應該減少約 10萬公噸的二氧化碳排放量,降低消耗的柴油燃料千點〇〇萬加侖和收益金融節省高達 $ 22.5。
大型垃圾壓實機在其商店收集收縮包裝,塑料包裝袋,服裝袋及其它鬆散層塑料捆在用紙板,然後將其壓制成一個'三明治'9英寸到18英寸的可回收塑料在中間。這些包,然後再進入其他的產品,從木材到非常緻密超薄塑料購物袋。 “這些三明治包已經幫助我們轉移超過 44萬磅的塑料到達堆填區”的言論奇石。

2010 Sustainability in Packaging study: A deeper shade of green

2010 Sustainability in Packaging study: A deeper shade of green

The 2010 Sustainability in Packaging study shows that the packaging sector has an increasing knowledge of environmental issues and is placing a greater emphasis on material choices and design for sustainability.

John Kalkowski, Editorial Director -- Packaging Digest, 10/27/2010 5:19:45 PM

Sustainability has taken root as a major driver of change and innovation in the packaging sector, according to results of the 2010 “Sustainability in Packaging” survey. Nearly two-thirds of respondents say sustainable design has become an important factor in packaging decisions.

The fourth annual study, which was conducted in October by Packaging Digest and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, drew 630 responses from the gamut of packagers, material and machinery suppliers, consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) and retailers. The benchmarking surveys conducted over the course of four years show the evolution of sustainability in packaging from a point where packagers were asking, “What is sustainability?” to “How do we effectively measure our success?”

One of the primary changes has been in the growing awareness of the issues involved with sustainability in packaging. Today, 98 percent of the 2010 survey respondents say they are familiar with sustainability issues, versus 53 percent in the first survey performed in 2007. Those who said they were “not at all familiar” shrank from 10 percent of the audience to 2 percent during that same period.

Respondents identify sustainability leaders

This year, survey respondents once again gave Walmart the most votes for leadership in sustainability among retailers, while Procter & Gamble garnered the most tallies among CPGs (see table below). While an increasing number of packaging materials and equipment suppliers have begun offering more environmentally friendly products, their recognition factor is lower compared to the consumer-facing marketers of the retailing and CPG companies. Eighty-seven respondents wrote in that they felt no single supplier company demonstrated leadership in sustainability.

The study also reveals that nearly two-thirds of the respondents feel that their companies are placing increased importance on sustainability in their packaging, with 61 percent saying their customers also are placing more importance on sustainability improvements.

While recognizing the growing influence of sustainability in their companies’ packaging strategies, 81 percent of survey participants say too many companies are “greenwashing” their packaging by making false or unproven claims on its environmental benefits.

One respondent points out that “Greenwashing has become so saturated that the sincerity of companies’ actual efforts are lost; consumers are now suffering from ‘green exhaustion.’ It’s very unfortunate that our (sustainability) efforts get lost in the noise of others claiming to be environmentally-friendly.”

Another survey participant considers the potential marketing benefits: “We just have to keep in mind that there are many companies that are greenwashing, and that will just enforce our strengths as a sustainable company. Creating a plan to educate our employees and our consumers on the many sustainable efforts we make as a company will prove our success. It will also be a positive chain reaction that will get everyone thinking about people, planet and profit.”

Three quarters of those surveyed say industry needs a set of defined sustainability metrics that can be used globally, and 60 percent say vendor scorecards or ratings are needed to compare packaging suppliers’ sustainability practices.

Packagers slow to establish policies

Those respondents whose companies have sustainable packaging policies has risen slowly from 32 percent in 2007 to 45 percent this year. Companies increasingly are formalizing their sustainability policies, with a quarter of respondents saying the policies have been codified, and 35 percent say their companies are making those strategies public.

The most popular guidelines included in the sustainable packaging policies include: energy consumption (62 percent), recycled content specifications (54 percent), design guidelines (49 percent), and bans or limits on specific materials usage (43 percent).

Just over eight out of 10 respondents say it is the “customer” who is driving them to implement practices that produce packaging that is more environmentally friendly, and these customers are unwilling to pay more for sustainable packaging. Of course, who that customer is depends on the respondent’s place in the supply chain. Many survey participants claim it’s retailers and CPGs that are driving the trend toward sustainable practices—not the consumer. Over half say the percentage of customers who actually require more sustainable packaging is less than 25 percent of their customer base.

As one survey participant says: “I still think that the ‘greenness’ of packaging is about the fourth most-important thing on people’s list of packaging needs following cost, durability and appearance.”

Brands, reputation at risk

Nonetheless, exactly two-thirds of survey participants agree that a failure to improve their sustainability practices would represent a risk to a company’s reputation. As one respondent wrote: “Sustainability is like a quality program: You don’t absolutely need it to run a business, but you’d better if you plan to be around in a year or two.”

More than nine in 10 respondents say that being more efficent and cost savings are important to any sustainability effort.

Nearly two-thirds say that sustainability efforts have been difficult to advance during the current economic downturn. Several factors impact their efforts to produce more sustainable packging, with 42 percent citing pricing pressure and 37 percent pointing to competitive pressure. Respondents say the biggest challenges to making their packaging processes more sustainable include: raw materials costs (49 percent), lack of alternative materials (38 percent), ability to produce comparable-quality packaging (35 percent) and compatibility with existing systems (24 percent).

Due to the major role that materials play in sustainability, recycled content is the most-cited criterium used to evaluate sustainability.  Other recycling-related material factors include design for recycling or composting (36 percent), toxic or harmful chemicals (35 percent) and probability a material will be recycled (29 percent). The second most-cited criterium overall was energy consumption (42 percent). Measurement tools, such as life cycle analysis, carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions, also were frequently mentioned.

Football for the third world

From Unplug Design. “The meeting between human and design, with happiness.  To the children in The Third World; Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Congo and etc, who can’t enjoy football freely because of poverty, war and natural disaster, having a football means a lot and can be a dream and hope to escape from their poor life. However, the children are so poor that they can not buy a football. So, they play football with the ball made of plastic bag or a coconut palm leaves. Therefore, giving them thier own footballs which can give them hope, is our aim of this project. Via Let’s find some design

Wal-Mart Takes the Lead on Sustainable Packaging

Wal-Mart Takes the Lead on Sustainable Packaging

Wal-Mart's packaging scorecard may have sent a shiver down the spines of some suppliers when it launched last year. However, Matt Kistler, Wal-Mart's VP for package and product innovations, has been amazed at the enthusiasm of the retailer's packaging partners.

Date: 21 Sep 2007

Recent years have seen increasingly louder calls for business to become more involved in addressing environmental issues. In many industries there are companies that have made efforts to become greener simply because of the positive associations such moves will create for their brands. This is not to say the steps they have taken are not valuable, but they pale into insignificance compared to the impact of companies that take a serious and committed approach to sustainability.
The world of business has always needed pioneers to take the lead in meeting new challenges, be they technological, social or strategic.
The development of environmentally friendly business strategies is just such an issue, the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, is forging ahead with an integrated approach to sustainability, which may drag other companies in its wake.
Wal-Mart's approach to sustainability has many strands, but its current drive to improve the environmental credentials in packaging could serve as an important example to other retailers.
"As two of Wal-Mart's goals are to create zero waste and to sell products that sustain our resources and environment, a focus on sustainable packaging naturally plays a major role in achieving these goals," says Matt Kistler, vicepresident, package and product innovations for Sam's Club and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. "As an industry leader, Wal-Mart wants to drive innovation in packaging."
The retailer's efforts are about more than positioning the brand in the marketplace and taking the moral high ground. Wal-Mart is, in fact, targeting tangible business benefits and is keen to encourage other retailers to follow suit.
"We realise we're in a unique position to drive positive change in the area of sustainable packaging by working with our suppliers and manufacturers to make better decisions that are good for business, our customers and the environment," observes Kistler. "And that is why we're committed to exploring innovative and environmentally-friendly packaging that is not only good for the environment, but for our business as well.
"We hope our efforts will help demonstrate to other companies that being a profitable and efficient business goes hand-in-hand with being a good steward to the environment."
Wal-Mart's current sustainability efforts are built on a decade of interest in environmental issues. During that time it has worked closely with external organisations to understand not only the broader principles of sustainability, but also the practical approach to implementing greener business strategies.
"Wal-Mart aims to be a zero-waste, carbon-neutral company."
Over the years the company has worked with the likes of Environmental Defense, the National Resource Defense Council, Conservation International, Rocky Mountain Recycling, Brown University, Organic Exchange and Interface Raise with a view to making sustainability a core element of its business strategy.
Currently, Wal-Mart's CEO Lee Scott hosts quarterly sustainable value network meetings, to which associates, suppliers, NGOs and academics are invited to discuss global warming and to learn what different groups within the company are doing to address it. The meetings also provide a forum in which to explore ways to protect the environment. In fact, Al Gore attended one of these events in July 2006, and screened his movie, An Inconvenient Truth, to rave reviews.
Now, the company has fixed its sights firmly on the packaging side of its business, creating the sustainable packaging value network, which comprises a group of buyers, suppliers, government bodies, NGOs and academics. Together they will study the effects of packaging and waste on Wal-Mart's supply chain, stores and customers. The primary goal of the packaging network is to make Wal-Mart packaging-neutral by 2025, which means packaging recovered or recycled will be equal to the amount of packaging used.
There are, of course, milestones on the way to this long-term target. By 2013, for example, Wal-Mart aims to achieve a 5% reduction of overall packaging in its supply chain. Additionally, it has set a goal that all transport packaging will be reused or recycled by 2011, through improved pallets and reusable plastic containers (RPCs).
Fundamental to its sustainable packaging programme is a commitment to using materials of the highest recycled content without compromising quality. This includes post-consumer recycled (PCR) material where appropriate. Components will be chosen based on recyclability post-use, with a goal of increasing the municipal recycling rate to 35% by 2011.
"Wal-Mart's current sustainability efforts are built on a decade of interest in environmental issues."
Furthermore, the introduction of a packaging scorecard as a yardstick for suppliers to assess their performance in regard to packaging will be a key tool in building a greener strategy.
The scorecard was introduced in September 2006 and officially launched in February 2007 as a tool to help suppliers evaluate the performance of their packaging against nine specific parameters.
The goal is to provide an environment where sustainability becomes a clear, measurable factor in Wal-Mart's choice of suppliers.
Suppliers can now compete on two fronts – cost and sustainability – but the scorecard is not intended solely to increase competition. It also acts as the basis for greater collaboration among suppliers, which it is hoped will accelerate Wal-Mart's progress towards its defined targets for the use of sustainable packaging.
"Our packaging scorecard will enable our suppliers to measure the sustainability of their products, receive a grade based on their results, and learn about ways to improve their packaging," says Kistler. "Companies can share best practices and learn from each other to achieve their waste-reduction goals."
In such a collaborative environment Wal-Mart can engage in a constant review of its efforts to enhance sustainability and continuously re-evaluate the effectiveness of its scorecard. It gets first-hand feedback from suppliers and manufacturers, which helps it determine how well they are receiving the messages about recycling and the volume of packaging in the supply chain, and how far down into their business practices these messages have filtered.
The scorecard's matrix of parameters has been carefully formulated, giving more weight to issues such as the volume of CO2 generated in the production of an item of packaging or the ratio of product size to packaging, while also taking into account the amount of recycled material used and its recovery value.
So far, the scorecard has been well received.
"The scorecard allows suppliers to measure their performance on cost and sustainability."
"The results from the packaging scorecard's first month of operation show active use of the scorecard and strong interest from product suppliers in making their packaging more sustainable," says Kistler.
"After the scorecard was made available to all suppliers on 1 February 2007, more than 2,270 suppliers logged on to the site and at least 117 products were entered into the system in the first month.
"Wal-Mart expects these numbers to dramatically increase in the coming year as suppliers gain a better understanding of the scorecard and their own capabilities."
Comments from suppliers themselves reinforce the belief that the scorecard is an appropriate and popular tool. "We have already used the scorecard to evaluate two types of packaging," explains Josh Hannay, business development manager from Ruiz Food Products, which supplies Wal-Mart with the El Monterey brand of frozen Mexican food products. "The scorecard was easy to use and gave us a single number that translates into how we're doing and how we can do better. Our company is looking forward to reducing waste while saving money."
The positive response from the supplier community is all the more impressive given that some resistance might have been predicted, if only because of suppliers' concerns over the cost of improving the environmental credentials of their packaging.
"Right now we are seeing a lot of support from our suppliers for moving toward more sustainable packaging," says Kistler. "In March when we looked at the first couple of months of use of the packaging scorecard, the feedback was encouraging."
The concerns over cost have, it seems, been replaced by the sense that there are tangible benefits to be derived from focusing more intently on packaging sustainability, perhaps even improved profitability. The packaging scorecard, for instance, helps suppliers see first-hand how sustainable business practices can boost their profits.
"Wal-Mart is working with suppliers and government bodies to make sustainability a central part of business."
"'We realise we're in a unique position to drive positive change in the area of sustainability by working with our suppliers," states Kistler. "It is important to us that our vendors and suppliers integrate sustainability into their business plans and products. We hope that the changes Wal-Mart and its suppliers have made throughout our supply chains will demonstrate to others that sustainability is good for business and the environment."
It is Kistler's firm belief that a shift to more sustainable packaging can be beneficial for his company, its suppliers and its customers.
His hope is that the scorecard will enable Wal-Mart to make better buying decisions and show that the business is interested in more from its suppliers than merely low-cost products.
To show its willingness to work with suppliers in finding solutions to packaging issues, Wal-Mart has also provided a virtual trade show, which allows product suppliers to look for better packaging solutions by working directly with packaging providers. This gives them the opportunity to explore potential packaging improvements and sustainable business practices.
Looking beyond the supplier community, Kistler is also keen to stress that sustainability has direct relevance to his company's customers: "We recognise that many customers desire products that are better for the environment and we are focused on meeting that demand by giving them the choices they want."
For any who might still doubt the company's commitment to sustainability, Wal-Mart can point to a number of successes already scored. It has partnered with Unilever to dramatically reduce the packaging on its 'all' detergent.
In February 2006, Unilever introduced 'all Small-and-Mighty', which is three-times as concentrated and contains enough detergent for the same 32 loads as a 100oz bottle. Unilever found that it saved 500 million gallons of water, 26 million gallons of diesel fuel, 150 million pounds of plastic resin, 750 million square feet of cardboard and reduced out-of-stocks by 50%.
In May 2006, Wal-Mart installed auxiliary power units (APUs) – small, efficient diesel engines – on its entire tractor fleet. Drivers can turn off their truck engines and rely on the APUs to warm or cool the cabin and run communication systems while on break.
"There are tangible benefits to be derived from focusing more intently on packaging sustainability."
The company believes that in a single year this change should eliminate approximately 100,000 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions, reduce consumption of diesel fuel by ten million gallons and yield financial savings of up to $22.5m.
Additionally, Wal-Mart has rolled out its nationwide plastic sandwich bale programme, which is designed to keep tonnes of plastic out of landfills and revolutionise plastic recycling.
Large trash compactors at its stores collect shrink wrap, plastic bags, apparel bags and other loose plastic in a bale layered with cardboard, which is then pressed into a 'sandwich' with 9in to 18in of recyclable plastic in the middle. These bales are then recycled into other products, from dense plastic lumber to very thin shopping bags. "These sandwich bales have already helped us divert more than 44 million pounds of plastic from reaching landfills," remarks Kistler.
These successes promise much for the current efforts on packaging, and must surely encourage other retailers to follow Wal-Mart's example.

2010年10月27日 星期三

Package, Product & Material Testing Standards

Package, Product & Material Testing Standards

DDL is experienced in performing package, product and material tests that comply with the following industry standards:

ANSI Standards
Performance Standard for Casters & Wheels
AAMI Standards
ID 26
Infusion Pump Performance Testing
ASTM Standards
A370    Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
A931    Tension Testing of Wire Rope and Strand
B565Shear Testing of Aluminum & Aluminum-Alloy Rivets
Shear Testing of Aluminum Alloys
B794Durability Wear Testing of Separable Electrical Connector Systems
C273Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials
C297Flatwise Tensile Strength of Sandwich Constructions
C373Water Absorption, Bulk Density, Apparent Porosity and Apparent Sp. Gravity of Fired Whiteware Products
C393Flexural Properties of Sandwich Constructions
C773Compressive Strength of Fired Whiteware Materials
C1161  Flexural Strength of Advanced Ceramics
D198Static Tests of Lumber in Structural Sizes
Vulcanized Rubber & Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension
D543Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents
D570Water Absorption of Plastics
D575Rubber Properties in Compression
D624Tear Strength of Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers
D638Tensile Properties of Plastics
D642Standard Test Method for Determination of Compressive Resistance
D648Deflection Temperature of Plastics under Flexural Load
D695    Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
D696Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics
D732Shear Strength of Plastics by Punch Tool
D737Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics
D747Apparent Bending Modulus of Plastics by Means of a Cantilever Beam
D774Bursting Strength of Paper
D790Flexural Properties of Plastics and Insulating Materials
D792Density and Specific Gravity of Plastics
D882Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting
Test Methods for Tire Cords and Industrial Filament Yarns
D897Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds
D903    Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds
D905Strength of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression
D952Bond Strength of Sheet Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials
D999Standard Method for Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
D1002  Shear Strength of Single Lap Adhesive Bonds
D1004Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Films
D1037Properties of Wood-Based Fiber and Particle Panels
D1042Linear Dimensional Changes Under Accelerated Aging Conditions
D1043Stiffness Properties of Plastics as a Function of Temperature by Means of a Torsion Test
D1204Linear Dimensional Changes of Non-rigid Thermoplastic Film at Elevated Temp
D1424Tear Resistance of Fabrics (Elmendorf Method)
Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
D1622Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics
Tensile and Adhesion properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
D1708Tensile Properties of Plastics by Microtensile Specimens
D1761Mechanical Fasteners in Wood
D1876Peel Resistance of Adhesives
D1894Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting
D1938Tear-Propagation Resistance (Trouser Tear) of Plastic Film
Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Bar and Rod Specimens
D2164  Testing Structural Insulating Roof Deck
D2256Tensile Properties of Yarns
D2343Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber Strands, Yarns, and Rovings
D2344Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
D2412External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading
D2718  Structural Panels in Planar Shear
D2737Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing
D2979Pressure-Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted Probe Machine1
D2990Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics
D3039Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite
Standard Test Method for Determination of Leaks in Flexible Packaging by Bubble Emission
Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat-Sealed Packages for Dry Products
D3163Strength of Bonded Rigid Plastic Lap-Shear Joints in Shear by Tension Loading
Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension – Single Lap-Shear Assemblies
D3330Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape
D3332Mechanical-Shock Fragility of Products, Using Shock Machines
D3574  Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials
D3580Vibration (Vertical Linear Motion) Test of Products
Accelerated Aging of Pressure Sensitive Tapes
D3983Strength and Shear Modulus of Adhesives by Tensile-Lap Specimen
D4169Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
Standard Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or Packaging Components for Testing
D4475Shear Strength of Pultruded Reinforced Plastic Rods by the Short-Beam Method
D4728Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
Standard Test Method for Leakage Testing of Empty Rigid Containers by Vacuum Method
D5034Breaking Strength and Elongation of Textile Fabrics
Breaking Force and Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Strip Method)
D5151Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
Standard Test Method for Drop Test for Loaded Containers by Free Fall
Elongation of Narrow Elastic Fabrics
Standard Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines
D5934Modulus of Elasticity for Plastic Specimens by Three-Point Bending
D6653Standard Test Methods for Determining the Effects of High Altitude on Packaging Systems by Vacuum Method
D7234Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers
E8Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
Strength Testing of Building Panels
E345Tension Testing of Metallic Foil
Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson’s Ratio by Impulse Excitation of Vibration
F88Standard Test Method for Seal Strength of Flexible Barrier Materials
Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe
Performance Specs for Foley Catheters
Bond Strength or Ply Adhesion of Similar Laminates Made from Flexible Materials
F1140Standard Test Methods for Internal Pressurization Failure Resistance of Unrestrained Packages for Medical Applications
F1306Slow Rate Penetration Resistance of Flexible Barrier Films and Laminates
Oxygen Concentrators for Domiciliary Use
Standard Test Method for Microbial Ranking of Porous Packaging Materials (Exposure Chamber Method)
Determining Axial Pullout Strength of Medical Bone Screws
F 1929
Standard Test Method for Detecting Seal Leaks in Porous Medical Packaging by Dye Penetration
Standard Guide for Accelerated Aging of Sterile Medical Device Packaging
Standard Test Method for Detecting Gross Leaks in Medical Packaging by Internal Pressurization (Bubble Test)
F2372Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Shopping Carts
CENELEC Standards
EN 45502Active Implantable Medical Devices
EIA Standards
ETS Standards
300-019Environmental Tests for Telecommunications Equipment
IEC Standards
60068-1Environmental Testing Part I: General guidance
60068-2-14Basic Environmental Testing Procedures Test N: Change of temperature
60068-2-33Environmental Testing- Guidance on change of temperature tests
60068-2-38Composite Temperature/Humidity Cyclic Test
60068-2-64Vibration, broad-band random (digital control) and guidance
Medical Electrical Equipment – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
ISO Standards
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment
594-2Conical fittings with 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment -- Part 2: Lock fittings
595Reusable all-glass or metal-and-glass syringes for medical use -- Part 1: Dimensions
2247Packaging -- Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads -- Vibration tests at fixed low frequency
Implants for surgery – Cardiac Pacemakers – Part 3: Low profile connectors (IS-1) for implantable pacemakers
7864Sterile hypodermic needles for single use
7886-1Sterile Hypodermic Syringes.  Part 1: Syringes for manual use
Packaging -- Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads -- Sinusoidal vibration tests using a variable frequency
8359Oxygen Concentrators for Medical Use – Safety Requirements
8536-4Infusion equipment for medical use – Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed
Measurement and evaluation of shock and vibration effects on sensitive equipment in buildings
Sterle single-use syringes, with or without needle for insulin
9022-10Optics and optical instruments -- Environmental test methods -- Part 10: Combined sinusoidal vibration and dry heat or cold
Environmental test methods -- Part 15: Combined digitally controlled broad-band random vibration and dry heat or cold
9022-19Environmental test methods -- Part 19: Temperature cycles combined with sinusoidal or random vibration
9626Stainless steel needle tubing for manufacture of medical devices
10282Single Use Sterile Rubber Gloves
10555-1Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters – general requirements
10555-3Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters – Central venous catheters
10555-5Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters – Over-needle peripheral catheters
10846-1Measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer properties of resilient elements
11070Sterile Single-use Intravascular Catheter Introducers
ISTA Standards
ISTAPre-Shipment Test Procedure
JIS Standards
C0041Environmental Tests – Shock and Vibration
MIL Standards
167Vibration Testing
202Electronic and Electrical Component Parts
810FTest Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
HDBK-17Composite Materials
P-26514Polyurethane Foam, Rigid or Flexible, for Packaging
NAVMAT Standards
P-9492 Temperature Cycling and Random Vibration
LD-3-2000High Pressure Laminates
PDA Technical Reports
Tech. Report #27Pharmaceutical Package Integrity, 1998 Supplement, Vol. 52 , No: 52
Tech. Report #39Cold Chain Guidance for Medicinal Products: Maintaining the Quality of Temperature-Sensitive Medicinal Products Through The Transportation Environment, Sept/Oct 2005, Supplement, Vol. 59, No: S-3
SAE Standards

J1455Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design
JEDEC Standards
JESD22-A104-BTemperature Cycling for Electronic Circuits
JESD22- A102-CAccelerated Moisture Resistance for Electronic Circuits
JESD22- B103-BVibration for Electronic Circuits
JESD22-B104-CMechanical Shock for Electronic Circuits
JESD22- A106-BThermal Shock for Electronic Circuits
TAPPI Standards
Grammage of paper and paperboard
Thickness (Caliper) of Paper, Paperboard and Combined Board
Internal Tearing resistance of Paper (Elmendorf)
Air Resistance of Paper (Gurley)
Tensile Properties of Paper & Paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus)
Bursting Strength of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard
Edgewise compressive Strength of Corrugated fiberboard
Edgewise compressive Strength of Corrugated fiberboard