2011年5月19日 星期四

SONY_Reducing CO2 from Logistics

Reducing CO2 from Logistics

Reducing the amount of energy consumed, the volume of greenhouse gases emitted and the number of cardboard & pallets used in the transport of parts and finished products is significant to reduction of the environmental footprint of products over their entire life cycle.

Sony is decreasing shipping weight by means of product weight reduction. At the same time, Sony is striving to optimize logistics supply chain efficiency by means of shrinking the size of packaging, improvement of loading efficiency and simplifying parts packaging and also to swtich to environmentally conscious modes of transport such as modal shift and joint transportation in order to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions and packaging materials used in logistics.

Japanese Energy Conservation Lawexpedite consignors to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of logistics. In particular, companies designated as "special consignors", which has particularly large shipping volumes, are obliged to report energy used. Effectively from April 2010, Sony EMCS Corporation was designated a special consignor. Sony has reinforced its ongoing efforts to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities to respond to this move.

Sony Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (SSCS) is primarily accoutable for logistics of Sony Group, handling transport within Japan, the United States and Europe, and among international locations. In fiscal year 2008, CO2 emissions associated with the business activities of principal Sony Group companies totaled approximately 720 thousand tons. 

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Logistics through the Reuse of Packaging

(Updated on August 31, 2010)

  • LCD television (BRAVIA LX900 series): Increasing transport efficiency through reduced packaging
    LCD television (BRAVIA™ LX900 series): Increasing transport efficiency through reduced packaging
    Left: KDL-52W5 (2009 model)
    Right: KDL-52LX900 (2010 model)
Within Sony Group, product design, procurement, manufacturing and logistics departments are working together to promote a packaging improvement initiative to realize optimization of total costs -- i.e., costs for design, procurement, manufacturing and logistics -- for products and components, and it is concurrently to reduce environmental impact of CO2 emissions and packaging materials used.

During the course of product package improvement, product loading efficiency to container is increased by shrinking package sizes and optimization of loading efficiency depending on transportation variation, thus, it shall contribute to reduction of environmental impact. As a typical example, packaging volume for LCD television sold in fiscal year 2009 was reduced by an average of 23% in comparison with models sold in previous fiscal year , thus CO2 emissions were reduced by an average of 26%.*
*The data is estimated based on assumption that 2008 model W5 series and eight models in the 2009 model LX-900, NX-800, HX-900 series are referenced and transportation distance is assumed that approximately 450 km from the factory, which is loaded on a domestic transport trailer (CO2 emissions per liter of diesel fuel is assumed to be 2.6 kg.)
Besides above efforts Sony has reduced packaging material usage by utilization of returnable containers. Sony began using returnable container in Japan in 2005; however, by relocation of production facilities to offshore in fiscal year 2009, Sony is currently utilizing their use primarily in Asia, where in August 2009, returnable containers were introduced for the shipping of products and components between Sony EMCS (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.'s Kuala Lumpur TEC and Sony Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

In fiscal year 2009, Sony used approximately 12,000 returnable containers in Japan and overseas and it has contributed to reduce 571 tons of packaging materials and conventional pallets.
  • Structual concept of Returnable Container
    Structual concept of Returnable Container
Returnable containers are designed to meet efficient loading to sea freight container. In fiscal year 2009, Sony introduced modular size (standardized) cartons which effectively fit into returnable containers. Combination of different modular cartons which is suitable for size of individual components has increased component storage space in a returnable container and it, enabling Sony to maximized quantity of components per shipment.
  • Returnable container packed with modular cartons and shipping container efficiently loaded with retu
    Returnable container packed with modular cartons and shipping container efficiently loaded with returnable containers

Promoting Modal Shift

(Updated on August 31, 2010)

  • Modal shift Ratio and Reduction of CO2 Emissions of Logistics with Japan
SSCS is shifting from truck to rail and sea transport, both of which could reduce CO2 emmission for product transport than trucks in Japan. As an example, since 2000, Sony has started to share rail transport with other companies between Tokyo and Osaka by use of designated containers.

In fiscal year 2009, Sony utilized modal shift transport of approximately 21,100 tons of products in Japan, which resulted in reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 2,650 tons compared with conventional transport by truck. This amount is equivalent to approximately 24.2% of the volume of truck transportation in Japan.
SSCS is also promoting modal shifts outside of Japan. In Huanan County, in the People's Republic of China, SSCS shifted shipping containers from truck to rail for transporting products between its factory and port in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Sony Brasil Ltda. has shifted product transport from truck to ship from factory in Manaus to São Paulo.

In France, Sony has shifted transport from truck to barge ship from Le Havre bound for Éragny in the suburb of Paris, and also to rail for product transport which is bound for the South of France in order to reduce environmental impact.
  • Shifting from truck to barge ship and rail for product transporting goods in France
    Shifting from truck to barge ship and rail for product transporting goods in France
  • Modal shift from truck to ship in Brazil
    Modal shift from truck to ship in Brazil

Sharing Shipments in Japan

(Updated on August 31, 2010)

SSCS has promoted the sharing of shipments with other companies since 2007,. Having already introduced this operation in Hokkaido, Okinawa and Fukuoka in February 2010, it was expanded its application to Osaka. In addition to sharing shipment to increase loading efficiency, it makes it possible to consolidate truck loading. In fiscal year 2009, the consolidation of truck loading by operation above could lead to reduction of approximately 91 tons of CO2 emissions.

2011年5月18日 星期三









密封包裝 這種包裝類似於收縮膜包裝,膜繞著棧板把棧板全包起來,然後兩個熱抓子把兩端的膜熱封在一起。這是纏繞膜最早的使用形式,並由此發展了更多的包裝形式如下。
全寬包裝 這種包裝要求膜寬足够覆蓋棧板,棧板的形狀規則,所以使用起來有它的局限性,適合薄膜厚度為17~35μm。
手工包裝 這種包裝是纏繞膜包裝中最簡單的一種,膜裝在一個架上或由手持,由棧板轉動或膜繞棧板轉。主要用在包好的棧板破損後的重新包裝,及普通的棧板包裝。這種包裝速度慢,適合的薄膜厚度為15~20μm。
裹膜機械包裝 這是一種最普遍最廣泛的機械包裝形式,由轉盤旋轉或膜繞轉盤旋轉,薄膜固定在支架上可上下移動。這種包裝能力很大,每小時约15~18盤。適合的膜厚约17~35μm。
卧式機械包裝 不同於其它包裝,由膜繞著物包品轉,適合於長的貨物包裝,如地毯、板材、纖維板、異形材等。
紙筒的包裝 這是纏繞膜的最新用途之一,比起老式的紙筒包裝用纏繞膜包裝更好。適合的膜厚為30~120μm。
小物品的包裝 這是纏繞膜的最新包裝形式,既可以减少材料消耗,還可以縮减托盤的存放空間,在國外,這種包裝最初介紹於1984年,僅僅一年後,市場上就出現了許多這的包裝,此包裝形式具有巨大的潛力。適合膜厚15~30μm。
管和電纜的包裝 這是纏繞膜在特殊領域應用的一個例子,包裝設備安裝在生產線的最後,完全自動拉伸膜既可以代替帶子捆住材料,又可以起保護作用。適用的厚度15~30μm。



資料取自:林淵智 史鳯烟先生合著LLDPE拉伸膜、Andy補述LLDPE拉伸膜之認識



POF收縮膜( POLYOLEFIN HEAT SHRINKABLE FILM)又稱三層共擠壓膜環保收縮膜,POF收縮膜為先進的收縮膜;結構為上、下層PP材質,中間層為PE材質。
MD:縱向收縮率 TD:橫向收縮率

2011年5月12日 星期四

Top ten trends for 2011

As we approach the close of 2010, Packaging Magazine predicts some of the trends and changes facing the industry for 2011.

1)      Importance of design: As the part that communicates directly with the consumer, the importance of design should never be underestimated. Understanding the market and understanding the customer you are trying to attract is a key.
2)      Life cycle analysis: Demand is increasing for manufacturers to consider environmentally friendly practices for every facet of their operation. Energy saving, water saving, material reduction, recyclability are just a few of the considerations involved with a LCA.
3)      The robotic age: Automated technology is improving all the time and with post-GFC companies’ alert to methods of lowering costs while upping production, robots are becoming an increasingly familiar feature in the packaging process.
4)      Digital printing: Individual customization, shorter production runs, flexibility and rapid turnaround are just a few of the benefits of digital printing. Digital printing has been gathering momentum for a few years and 2011 will see in an increase in versatility and application.
5)      Shrinking packaging: less is more in packaging, with thinning, lightening and generally reducing of packaging materials.
6)      Labeling revolution:  An overhaul of food labeling policy will take place in 2011, which will probably result in dramatic changes to the labeling process.
7)      RFID tagging: tracking products across the supply chain is taking off in a big way. It provides security and authenticity and will become a common feature of the labeling of products.
8)      Portion size: Consumers are demanding a great choice when it comes to portion size – the packaging industry will need to be flexible enough to adapt to these changes.
9)      Disposability and recyclability: With a number of new bio-plastics and paperboard products appearing on the market and an increasing push for glass bottles, 2011 will see a great drive towards biodegradable and recyclable packaging products.
10)  Customization: Companies are beginning to ask more of packaging manufacturers, particularly for unique, customized designs.